Nepali Times ePaper
Dear Nepali Times Reader,
Many victims of loan sharks demonstrating in Kathmandu have high-interest loans that have trapped them in debt. However, some families have been forced to repay money they never borrowed due to fraudsters using forged documents.
Loan shark syndicates, particularly in Madhes Province, continue to engage in fraudulent practices involving forged documents and bribery, demanding the repeal of legislation against them. Story on page 1 of this week's issue.
Highlights from the paper:
Rebuilding Better Than Before:
Kunda Dixit reviews Rohit Ranjitkar’s book, which is a pictorial documentation of the restoration of Kathmandu’s monuments after the 2015 earthquake.
Pokhara 800 Years Ago:
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 1255 caused a massive rockslide on Annapurna 4 in the Himalayan region, reducing its summit's height by 500m. Scientists suggest that such mega-rockslides could occur again and have significant implications for landscape evolution and natural hazards in the region in future.
Weaving the Fabric of a New Life:
Pabi Sara Rajali ran away to Tansen over 20 years ago, seeking a better life. She learned to weave, eventually marrying a technician at the weaving centre.. Together, they started their own dhaka weaving business, faced challenges, and temporarily shut down during the pandemic, only to restart once again. Read the story of their struggle and eventual success.
Down on Sherpa's Farm:
Ang Phurba Sherpa has established a highly productive dairy farm in Gokarna, using innovative farming techniques he learned during his time in Israel. His cows produce up to 22 liters of milk per day compared to the average 5 liters from Nepali cows. Read his story on page 10-11.
This and more at
Have a great week ahead.
Nepali Times